All about Amazon ECR
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is an AWS managed container image registry service that is secure, scalable, and reliable.
In ECR it supports private repositories means that only the user who created it and users having IAM access to this repository can access it from any part of the world.
DockerHub versus Amazon ECR
1)Dockerhub and Amazon ECR provide services similar to containerization.
What is containerization?
There are various services running parallel in an application and services.
It is preferred to isolate these services so that they can be easily managed or can be scalable.
For resolving this we had put different services on various instances, this has isolated our services but increased capital expenditure and operational expenditure.
Therefore, for this purpose, the concept of containerization has been introduced, in which service can be put on different containers.
2)Docker has by default public repository but it also supports a private repository whereas ECR supports private repository.
3)Dockerhub is free if creating a public repository but ECR is chargeable.
Setting up an Amazon ECR repository
Step 1- Create a repository by using the ‘create repository’ option.
Step 2- Then for pushing the images there are pushing commands, use those commands and finally the images will be pushed
Prerequisites: You need to have AWS CLI and docker already installed in your system or an instance.